Friday, May 21, 2010

Reifel Bird Sanctuary

Every time I attempt to find Reifel Bird Sanctuary I get a little lost. I always want to think it's by Deas Island when it's actually on Westham Island in Ladner. Reifel is always a nice relaxing afternoon. They are open from 9-4pm and you have until 5 pm to exit the park. At the entrance the sell bird seed for 50 cents a bag and my boyfriend and I always get two so we don't fight over it. You see, when you first enter the park it is very tempting to give all of your food to the mounds of ducks that swarm you knowing what treats you have concealed in your brown paper sacks, but I being the more savvy bird feeder like to save my seed for the long walk around the park. If you are very prepared you can even go to the grocery store before you head to Reifel and get a wild bird seed that is primarily sunflower seeds. You see, I have learned through watching other visitors to the park that if you put some sunflower seeds in your hand and hold it up in the air chickadees will actually land on your hand to take the sunflower seeds. There are plenty of neat birds to see even if you are not a hardcore bird lover. Even the macho-est of macho men would find it hard not to succumb to the cute ducks nibbling out of their hand. Reifel also have a snow geese festival every year although I am not sure of the exact dates it is definately a sight. A sea of white geese that migrate to the fields on the outskirts of the park.


Cost of date: $4 per adult + bird seed
Time required: 1 hour +

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